Fallout Equestria: Remains Wiki

"Prancing pony" is the biggest base camp in the game. Most merchants in the game are located here. Apart from standard base camp features, this place contains other useful objects.

Shooting range[]

Foer tier

Shooting range

Can be found on the right, behind Brass Buckshot.

Place to test your weapons, spells and telekinesis. Here no ammo is wasted, weapons do not degrade, and magic power is not drained. You can test attacks on ponnequins - armored ones have a damage threshold of 20, while unarmored ones have no protection.

Note: apart from the ones in shooting range, one training dummy can be found in Ministry of Image.

You can't take damage inside Shooting range. However you can still damage your companion.

Boss fights can be repeated by entering one of the doors at the bottom. You can only fight bosses you defeated before. Repeating a boss gives you experience and some random items from a safe, often having high tier stuff like skill books or unique weapons. Each boss fight can only be repeated once; the game must be refreshed to fight the same boss again. Note: during boss fights ammo is not infinite like in shooting range, the same goes for magical power. You can take damage as well.

Painting Studio[]

Foer painting studio

Oak Stalwart's Painting Studio

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Oak's Flufflepuff painting

After you've completed all the paint quests for Oak Stalwart, you can talk to him to receive a key to open up the painting studio behind him. There you can go all crazy with your paint sprays.

The painting will change into a Flufflepuff on a rainbow later on (can't believe Oak Stalwart is really learning how to paint masterpieces).

Note: you can shoot and take damage inside Paint Studio.


There is a total of 9 merchants in "Prancing pony". Another merchant will appear if you have the Wasteland economics perk.

Winry (craft merchant)[]



Sells various items: tools, materials, melee weapons and schemes for hoofmade weapons and modules.

There is a workbench nearby.

Main article: Winry

Oak Stalwart (armor merchant)[]

Foer armor

Oak Stalwart

Sells armor and armor materials used for repair and upgrades.

There is a workbench nearby.

Main article: Oak Stalwart

Dusty Nebula (magical items merchant)[]

Foer mage

Dusty Nebula

Sells potions, ingredients, potion recipes, and spells.

There is a laboratory table and Magical orb nearby.

Main article: Dusty Nebula

Smoky Pit (explosives merchant)[]

Foer expl

Smoky Pit

Sells explosives and it's components, explosive ammunition and schematics for explosives.

Main article: Smoky Pit

Brass Buckshot (weapons merchant)[]

Foer guns

Brass Buckshot

Sells firearms, energy weapons and ammunition.

There is a stove nearby.

Main article: Brass Buckshot

Doc Sepsis (doctor)[]


Doc Sepsis

Heals the character for caps.

Sells medicine, chemicals, and implants.

Main article: Doc Sepsis

Daiquiri (bartender)[]

Foer drink


Sells various drinks.

Assists in the main quest.

Main article: Daiquiri

Holly Shine (food merchant)[]

Foer food

Holly Shine

Sells meals, food ingredients and recipes for meals.

There are stoves in the kitchen room that you can access and use.

Main article: Holly Shine

Dip Fanken (difficulty changer)[]

Foer card

Dip Fanken

Sells cards used for changing the difficulty. Offers a key that unlocks a unique trial in Canterlot ruins.

Main article: Dip Fanken

Merchant (misc. assortment)[]

Foer merchant

Travelling merchant

After getting the barter skill up to 3 and taking the perk "Wastelands economics", a new inhabitant of the "Prancing pony" Camp will show up. A merchant with a bit of this and a bit of that. The merchant has no quests.

Notes about trading and traders' quests[]

  • New items in shops appear as player level increases. Some items will only appear after increasing the Barter skill.
  • Only common items are restocked, such as ammo, materials or medicine. Unique items, weapons, etc. are not restocked.
  • Items are restocked by 25% of the max amount at a time, but no more than max amount. If you don't buy items, they won't be restocked. Selling items to merchants who also sell them (e.g. ammunition to Brass Buckshot; healing potions to Doc Sepsis) will not remove them from their inventory even if you refresh the game, hence it is possible for the amount of an item in a merchant's inventory to exceed the max amount.
  • Maximum amount of items grow depending on the Barter skill (for +20% per skill level, up to +100%) and the Wasteland economics perk (another +40%, for a maximum total of +140%).
  • Completing traders' quests gets you some caps. Some quests gets you unique prizes such as unique weapons and amulets.
  • Completing quests improves your reputation, which does not affect gameplay itself. It does however change the ending you get after completing the game.
  • New quests appear as you get access to new locations - sewers, stable, Manehattan - or reach higher levels. After visiting a location for the first time or leveling up you should see traders to check for new quests.

Weapons rack[]


Weapons rack in-game

Can be found at the top of "Prancing Pony" camp, above the Wasteland map. Despite its name, it doesn't just display weapons, but spells, armor, amulets and ministry mare figurines as well. Items are divided into several pages.

Any items that you haven't found yet are displayed as outlines.


Weapons occupy the first 5 pages - one page for each weapon category. Each category is divided into columns that represent weapon tier - first column has weapons with required skill 0, second with skill 1, etc..


Different states of weapons on Weapons rack. First one is equipped and has a unique variant, but it was not collected yet. Second has not been collected and doesn't have a unique variant. Third has been collected, but is left on the rack. It has no upgraded variant. Last one is equipped, has a unique variant and it has been collected

Weapons that you found are displayed normally (the same as when equipped in-game). If a weapon has a green glow around it, it means it's in your inventory, otherwise it's left on the rack. Click a weapon to take it with you/leave it on rack.

Many weapons have two variants - one basic and one upgraded. When a weapon has an upgraded variant but you only have the basic one, then a green star will appear above it. Upgraded variants that you found have yellow inscriptions and a yellow star above them.

Note: all weapons are physically always in your inventory. Leaving them on rack just hides them - in your PipBuck inventory/weapons section there's a button "Show hidden". Ones that are left on rack are grayed out, but you can still equip and use them like any other weapon (though you can't repair it by yourself or by merchants). Right-click a weapon in PipBuck to hide/unhide it. Note: this is only applicable in base camps, or if Limited inventory is turned off.


This section displays spells you've collected.


This section displays armor you've collected.


This section displays amulets you've collected.


This section displays ministry mare figurines you've collected.

Magical orb[]

PrancingPony MagicalOrb

Magical orb in-game

Oh, yes, the best orb I've ever seen! Does it predict the future?


Found near Dusty Nebula, can be used to change your appearance during game. You'll see the same dialog that appears in character creation. The change has no impact on gameplay, everyone will still recognize you the same.

