Fallout Equestria: Remains Wiki
Remains cli

Command line interface (after executing the ? command)

Remains has a simple command line interface, which allows executing debug commands. Some commands can help in case of game bugs, others can be used to cheat.

Caution: some console commands can break save files (see Save file corruption). Use at your own risk and always make a backup of your save file.

Command line interaction[]

  • Command line can be opened/closed with the [end] key. Command input field appears in top-left corner of the screen.
  • Confirm command by pressing [enter] or pressing the confirmation button on the right side of command input field.
  • Commands can be executed at any time - during gameplay, when PipBuck, S.A.T.S., or other menu is open, and even in main menu (although most commands won't have any effect when no save file is loaded).
  • Player character can't be controlled while console is open (with the exception of pointing the gun). Interaction with PipBuck and weapons rack is possible.
  • Sometimes the console doesn't close automatically after executing a command. [esc], [end], or the close button at the right side of command input field must be pressed to close the console.
  • Text in the command input field remains there if console is closed and reopened.
  • Previously executed commands are saved, you can go back to previous commands by pressing [up]/[down] keys while console is open.
  • Values displayed in PipBuck will not update if command is executed while PipBuck interface is open. To see the result (e.g. new items), close and open PipBuck again, or change page.
  • Opening the console doesn't pause the game (unless PipBuck/S.A.T.S. is already open).
  • Most commands don't have any output (no message will appear after successful/unsuccessful command). Exceptions are ?, trigger and triggers commands.
  • In some cases you will need to use the command mqt in order to activate the other commands.
  • You can paste text into the command line with [shift]+[insert].


Many commands accept additional parameters, separated by space - e.g. command param1 param2.

Important: most commands (except die and hardinv) are disabled by default - typing them in won't have any effect. To enable access to all commands, execute the mqt command once (execute it again to disable access).

Command Result
? Shows three scrollable lists below command input field. First one contains incomplete list of commands (with descriptions in Russian), second weapon IDs, third IDs of some other items.
alicorn Equips "Eclipse" armor, gives weapons and abilities from Alicorn Armor set.
all Gives all items (see four next commands), except Chitinous armor. Additionally gives 10 skill points.
all ammo Gives 10000 of each ammo and explosive type, including Charge.
all armor Gives all types of armor (with 100% durability) and amulets.
all item Gives:
  • 1000 of each medicine
  • 1000 of each chemical
  • 1000 of each ingredient
  • 1000 StealthBucks
  • 1000 Weapon repair kits
  • 100 of each magic potion
  • 100 of each food and drink
  • 100 memory orbs
  • 10 of each skill book
  • 1 of each paint
  • 1 of each scheme and recipe
  • 1000 or 100 of each stuff

Also adds all defensive spells and unlocks select explosives of various skill levels.

all weapon Gives all standard weapons (non-unique variants, 100% durability) and offensive spells (non-upgraded variants). Adds a curious pistol named "Test".
ammo <ammo id> <amount> Sets the number of ammunition type (<ammo id>) to <amount> (See Ammunition for IDs).

Ammo can also be added with the item command.

armor <armor id> Gives armor or amulet (<armor id>) (see Armor and Amulets for IDs).
battle Makes it possible to run out of stamina outside of battle.
black Toggles fog of war. The effect is similar to the effect of Infra-vision potion, except that visibility is the same as in discovered areas.

Pressing [home] key is the shortcut to execute this command, but only works one way - i.e. will disable fog of war, but not enable it again. For this shortcut to work, cheats must be enabled with mqt.

break <durability> Sets currently worn armor durability to <durability>%.
check Teleports to last checkpoint.
clear Resets some variables. Useful in case of bugs.
crack <durability> Sets current weapon durability to <durability>%.
die Kills player character.
dif <difficulty> Changes difficulty (<difficulty> = 0-4, 0 is Very easy, 4 is Super-hard).
eff <effect id> Adds a status effect (<effect id>) (see Status effects for IDs). Some effects' IDs are unknown (e.g. Bleeding, Magical shield, Poison).
emit <particle id> Sets particle to emit. Emit using [~] key. Particles are visual effects, like fire, explosions, debris, blood, acid etc.
enemy Enables/disables enemy AI. Enemies will remain inactive in their positions and won't react to the player when the AI is disabled.
err Causes Error #1009 during grind map generation, making it impossible to enter any grind map.
fly You can enable/disable flight with the [~] key and [W/A/S/D]
getloc Kills all enemies in the current location, gets most of the loot from current location.
getroom Kills all enemies in the current room, gets most of the loot from current room.
god Every time you receive damage, your health will be restored to previous value (even if the damage is more than your max health). It is also impossible to receive radiation (unless you use rad command) and damage body parts.

Note: the health bar won't update properly when receiving damage.

goto <X> <Y> Teleports to room with <X> and <Y> coordinates (see PipBuck>Information>Map).
hardcore Toggles "we live once" mode (permanent death).
hardinv Toggles Limited Inventory Mode.
hardreset Respawns after dying in "we live once" mode (use after permanent death).
heal Restores HP to maximum (limited by radiation; doesn't heal body parts or restore magical power).
hud Disables/enables UI elements. Helpful for taking screenshots.
item <item id> <amount> Sets the amount of item (<item id>) (see Items for IDs) to <amount>. If <amount> is skipped, one item will be added. It's possible to add more than one instance of unique items - e.g. augmentations or artifacts (though usually unique item effects don't stack, so having more than one is the same as having one). May set negative values.
jump ?
level <level> Sets character level to <level>. This automatically sets the correct amount of character experience points. Does not award skill and perk points.
lim <percent> ?
lvl <level> Same as level.
mana <amount> Sets current magical power amount to <amount>. If <amount> is skipped, magical power will be set to 0. May set negative values.
map Discovers the entire map (see PipBuck>Information>Map).
min Adds items that are given to the player when skipping tutorial during character creation:
  • Bat with nails
  • Crowbar
  • .32 pistol
  • Rechargeable pistol
  • Stable jumpsuit
  • 1 Healing potion
  • 1 Charmed bandage
  • Screwdriver
  • 50 caps
  • 16 Round cal. 32

Additionally it adds Crowbar to favorite slot 1, and .32 pistol to favorite slot 2 (or clears those slots, if they were already occupied by those items).

money <amount> Sets the number of caps to <amount>. May set negative values.
mqt Toggles access to most commands (except die and hardinv). By default all other commands don't have any effect. This affects the whole game, not individual save files (i.e. using mqt in one save will also allow you to use cheats in other save). It also changes console behavior - when cheats are disabled, console closes after pressing [enter]. When cheats are enabled, it remains open and must be closed with the [end] key.
perk <perk id> Gives a perk (<perk id>) (see perk IDs). Skill and level requirements don't have to be met. For perks with multiple levels (e.g. Empathy) each command execution increases perk level. It's impossible to increase perk level further than what's possible in the game - e.g. it's impossible to achieve Empathy-4. Typing in a wrong ID results in a "broken" perk being added, named "*eff_<typed text>" that can't be levelled up. Adding such perks breaks save file (see Save file corruption).
port Enables teleportation by pressing [~] key. Note: this doesn't consume magical energy and is instantaneous, unlike regular teleportation.

Pressing the [home] button is a shortcut to execute this command.

pp <amount> Gives <amount> perk points. If <amount> is skipped, one point will be added. Entering a negative value reduces perk points.
rad <amount> Sets radiation to be <amount>. This is limited by your maximum health. This means you can have 0 health from maximum radiation but you will only die after receiving a hit (two if you have the reanimation module).
redraw Redraws current room. Same as pressing [insert].
refill Replenishes trade goods from merchants.
remw <weapon id> Removes weapon (<weapon id>) (see Weapons for IDs).
rep <amount> Sets reputation to <amount>. May set negative values.
repair Repairs current weapon to 100%.
res Removes all status effects.
res_watcher ?
skill <skill id> <amount> Sets your skill (<skill id>) to <amount> (see Skills and skill pages for IDs). Values >20 and <0 will set the skill to 20 or 0, respectively. If <amount> is skipped, nothing will happen.

Note: the command will work only if you have at least one skill point in your skill.

sp <amount> Gives <amount> skill points. If <amount> is skipped, one point will be added. Entering a negative value removes skill points.
st <X> <Y> ?
testdam Toggles randomization of damage for both the player and enemies. E.g. when "test damage" is enabled, attacks with Crowbar will deal the same exact amount of damage with every hit. Note: critical hits are still possible in this mode.
testeff Duration of all status effects becomes 10 times shorter.
testmode Toggles "test mode". When it is enabled, game can be paused with the [delete] key, and all locations are available - the ones which were not discovered will have transparent icons on the world map. It also makes it possible to travel to any location at any time (even in combat).
trigger <trigger id> Gets a value of trigger.
triggers Gets values of all triggers.
weapon <weapon id> <upgraded> Gives a weapon (<weapon id>) (see Weapons for IDs). If <upgraded> is left blank (e.g. weapon gatp), a basic weapon variant will be given. If it has any value (e.g. weapon gatp 1) - a named and upgraded variant will be given. It is also possible to get the upgraded variant by adding "^1" to the weapon's ID, so e.g. mont^1 instead of mont for Crowbar. If both ways are used, you'll get two copies of the weapon - e.g. if you do weapon gatp 1 and then also weapon gatp^1.

Some weapons used only by enemies can be added with this command (e.g. weapon roboplasma2). Such weapons will have broken descriptions (all will have the same description as the first "real" weapon in inventory), unlimited ammunition, no benefits from skills, but otherwise will work just fine. Exceptions are enemy grenades (e.g. weapon drongr), which will result in errors and break save file (see Save file corruption).

xp <amount> Gives <amount> experience. If this value exceeds the current level threshold, it will carry over upon receiving an actual source of experience and you will level up as a result.

Save file corruption[]

Known ways to break save files with console commands (this will break your save file):


Glitched PipBuck

  • Adding a non-existent perk with the perk command (e.g. perk asdf). Saving the game and trying to load the save file will result in Error #1009.
  • Adding a grenade normally unobtainable by the player (used by enemies) with the weapon command (e.g. weapon drongr). This will cause Error #1010 when opening Weapons page in PipBuck, and the PipBuck will start glitching. Saving the game and trying to load the save file will result in the same error again.

In some cases it is possible to fix a save file after it was corrupted. See Fixing a corrupted save file.


Finding missing IDs[]

Not all IDs are listed on this wiki. You can find some of the missing IDs by using the ? command - three scrollable lists will appear (when command line is shown). You can also search in game files - it's easiest to search the translations file (e.g. text_en.xml).


For a list of perks see Perks.

ID Perk
action Action pony
acute Piercing strike
anatomy Military anatomy
antifire Fire resistance
babah Explosions fan
bigsize Size matters
commando Commando
composure Cold blooded
coolhacker Cool hacker
critch Soldier's luck
critdam Deadly criticals
dam_alicorn Enemy of the Unity
dam_zombie Zombie Exterminator
dead ERS User
desintegr Disintegration
dexter Bullet Dodger
diel Dielectric
durable Reliable armor
empathy Empathy
entomolog Entomologist
envir Adaptive metabolism
fastreload Quick reload
fightstim Combat stimulators
fortune Treasure hunter
freel Scrounger
friendly Friendly Fire
grenader Grenader
hardness Hard grip
infiltrator Infiltrator
jump Jumper
laser Laser show
levitation Double jump
life Lifegiver
lightstep Light step
longtime Long-term effect
mathlogic Math logic
metabol Rapid metabolism
mmaster Melee master
oak Iron skin
perf Perforator
pistol Duelist
plasma Plasma greetings
potion_consc Expanded mind
potion_crit Critical luck
potion_dexter Intuition
potion_dskel Diamond skeleton
potion_elements Ardent spirit
potion_immun Strong immunity
potion_might Might of Earth
potion_prec Hawk eye
potion_speed Wind walk
potmaster Alchemist
powerkick Mighty kick
purifier Purifier
pyro Pyromaniac
radchild Child of radiation
recyc Recycling
reinforced Armored hide
remont Weapon maintenance
rifle One shot
robot Applied robotics
rungun Run and Gun
sapper Expert sapper
security Security expert
selflevit Self-levitation
shot Crazy farmer
sparepart Scavenger
spell_port Teleportation
spirit Mighty spirit
stamina Stamina
stonewall Stone wall
stunning Stunning strike
telemaster Master of telekinesis
telethrow Zero point magical field manipulator
trauma_blood Blood loss
trauma_head Head injuries
trauma_legs Leg injuries
trauma_mana Magical exhaustion
trauma_tors Body injuries
uparmor Armor enchantment
warlock Battle mage
wild Roamer of the wild plains
zona Danger zone