Fallout Equestria: Remains Wiki

Skill "Magic" determines your knowledge of magical arts, directly affecting power of your spells, both offensive and defensive.

  • Each invested skill point increases damage of your offensive spells by 5%, and defensive - by 10%
  • Each skill level decreases cooldown time for all spells


Most of the magic spells you can get must first be bought from Dusty Nebula. As your character levels up, more and more spells can be purchased. Some can later be bought as an upgraded version once you've reached a high enough level.

For a list of spells, see spells.

Unlike other types of weapons, spells can be used at any skill level, and no penalties exist for having insufficient skill level. Leveling up magic will still boost the power of spells.

Spells are split into 2 different types, offensive and defensive. Both offensive and defensive spells can be assigned to numeric keys the same way that weapons and items can (hover over spell and press numeric key). The spell then can be selected by pressing the key in game.

Offensive spells[]

Offensive spells are used to deal damage to foes. They are used much like firearms or energy weapons, except the attack will always come from the tip of your horn. This unfortunately restricts the range and flexibility of your spells since you must always have your head in sight of your target.

Offensive spells cause a wide variety of damage types, including fire, explosion, lightning, death, and many more. Every spell works a bit differently - some can be used effectively on long range, some only on short, some cause big explosions, some only work on living creatures, etc.

Offensive spells can be assigned to [T] key (by hovering the mouse over spell in PipBuck and pressing [T]). If no spell is assigned, pressing [T] will cast the most recent offensive spell you used before. This allows use of other weapons while still being able to quickly cast a spell. Be warned that you cannot fire or reload your main weapon and cast a spell at the same time.

Defensive spells[]

Defensive spells protect the player in some way, for example by providing additional armor, slowing down nearby objects, quickly dashing in any direction or conjuring magical walls.

To use a defensive spell, you need to select it in your inventory (equipment tab). After that, you can cast it by pressing the [C] key. These can be used independently of your weapons and offensive spells. You can also bind 4 defensive spells to [F1]-[F4] keys (by hovering mouse over spell and pressing one of the keys). Unlike binding to numeric keys, pressing [F1]-[F4] will cast the spell instantly, not equip it.

All defensive spells have a cooldown after casting, preventing you from casting the spell again until the cooldown is reset. You can use several different defensive spells at once, even if the cooldown for others is still occurring. Every level in the magic skill reduces all defensive spell cooldowns by 10%, up to 50% reduction.

Magic points[]

Your body has a certain amount of magic points, starting at 400 and reaching up to 1000 based on the amount of Potions of spirit drunk. every time you cast a spell, you'll lose some magic points based on the spell cast. Letting your magic drop to 1%-25% (horrible condition) will weaken the power of offensive spells by 25%. Letting it drop to 0% will make you unable to cast any spells at all.

There are several ways to restore magical points:

  • Reach a new MAS terminal restores +50 magical points.
  • Drinking a magic potion restores +200, +400 or +800 magical points depending on it's size.
  • Drinking a sparkle-cola restores +40 magical points. Sparkle-cola RAD restores +100 magical points, but also inflicts +10 radiation.
  • Doctors will restore your magic points similar to healing any body part, however this can be expensive compared to potions.

Magic consumption can be reduced in a variety of ways, such as food, Wizardry potions, the Battle mage perk and the Alicorn Amulet.

Magical power[]

You have a certain amount of magical power that can be used at once, indicated by a percentage in the top left corner after casting a spell, underneath your magic bar. Casting many spells in quick succession will drain your magical power at a much quicker rate then your magic points. Draining your magical power to 0% will overload your magic, preventing you from casting spells or using telekinesis for a couple seconds to give it time to recharge.

After casting a spell, magical power recovery will slow down, increasing in speed the longer you don't cast another spell. Magical power recovery speeds up faster the higher your magic skill.

Reductions in magic consumption will also lower magical power consumption, allowing you to cast more spells in quick succession without overloading your magic.


There are several perks associated with magic:

  • Battle mage 1/2/3 (Magic 1/3/5): Lowers the magic consumption of offensive spells by 20%/35%/50%, respectively.
  • Dielectric (Magic 2): Increases your lightning resistance by 20%.
  • Teleportation (Level 12, Magic 4): Allows you to teleport to any seen location after holding down [Q]. Pressing [lmb] will cancel the spell. This uses up a lot of magical power.

Magic alternatives[]

Magic has great variation in offensive spells, and unique defensive spells, but there are other options:

  • Telekinesis: Self-levitation can take you some places that teleportation can. Heavy boxes can also be used as shields instead of defensive spells.
  • Firearms: Guns can be used for ranged combat, though it's damage types are limited.
  • Energy weapons: Closer in similarity to offensive spells then firearms. Requires ammo instead of magic, allowing you to use defensive spells more often.
  • Survival: Offers zebra potions that have unique properties, similar to the uniqueness of defensive spells.